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Motorcycle BasicRider Course (BRC) - Web Enhanced/Beginning Riders - Section III

ID : 6909   
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Designed for the novice rider to learn from scratch on our training motorcycles and obtain a license endorsement. Focus is on the development of basic riding skills such as: clutch and throttle coordination, straight-line, braking, turning and shifting.  Training motorcycles are provided. Privately owned motorcycles are NOT permitted. Prerequisites include the ability to ride a bicycle and a valid email address on file with the college. You must complete the MSF ePackage 1 eCourse (online component) and bring the certificate of completion to the first in-person session. The link to the eCourse will be provided by the college.  Instruction consists of approximately 16 totals hours; 5 hours of online preparation and 11 hours of hands-on training.

Class Details

3 Session(s)
Days of the Week :Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Fri.  
  Weekly - Sat, Sun.  

Location : La-Z-Boy Center Location : 
  La-Z-Boy Center.

Instructor : MCCC Staff 

CEUs : 1.6



Registration Closes On
Thursday, July 24, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
7/25/2025 - 7/25/2025 Weekly - Fri 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM Monroe, La-Z-Boy Center  Map, Room: Z260 (Conference Room) MCCC Staff  ClassRoom
7/26/2025 - 7/27/2025 Weekly - Sun, Sat 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM Monroe, La-Z-Boy Center  Map, Room: Z260 (Conference Room) MCCC Staff  ClassRoom